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aQuasun Blue Voyage

A unique sailing trip in the Mediterranean
The Blue Voyage is a sailing trip on a motor sailor in what is probably the cleanest waters in the world, between Bodrum and Antalya, where the play of colors from the deep blue sea and the evergreen pine forests along the rugged coastline is particularly impressive. You can find traces of long-lost civilizations everywhere here.

A journey through time in the sea: the highlights
Ancient cities such as Knidos, Kaunos, Telmessos, Antiphellos, Myra, Olympos, Phaselis and the rock tombs of the Lycian Cities are ready to be explored. With our yachts you can sail past the ancient region of Karia, the Lycian Coast and Pamphylia. There are new bays to discover every day. You can enjoy the Mediterranean sun and at the same time admire countless natural beauties and historical sights.
The treasure chest of the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean coast of Türkiye is a treasure chest full of bays, fjords, gulfs and beaches. Every night you can find a different anchorage far away from other ships. For those who are interested in sports, a holiday in crystal clear water offers the best opportunities for swimming, fishing, water skiing, windsurfing and diving.

Port visits, swimming breaks and more
You have the opportunity for cultural exchange with the hospitable and generous population of the coastal villages and towns. The moderate winds, which generally blow from the west and northwest, are refreshing and make the long summer ideal for a blue voyage. From some of the Türkiye Coast's pristine and sheltered bays, you can even see mountain peaks towering up to 3000 meters high.


Marmaris - Fethiye - Marmaris

Day 1: Marmaris

Transfer to Marmaris marina. After checking into the yacht, free time until dinner. Dinner is served on board. Overnight in the port of Marmaris.

Day 2 : Ekincik

After breakfast, our guide will visit you on board and give you information about the route and everything you need. After the information we will set sail. The journey begins towards Ekincik. In this bay we offer an optional excursion called Dalyan Caunos. You can explore this area by small boat from Ekincik Bay. Don't forget your camera as you cruise along the river, which is covered in coral banks, as there are plenty of sights to see. And you will get to see the famous royal tombs that can be visited on the hill and belong to the king and the royal family. Our final sightseeing location will be Caretta Caretta Beach (Iztuzu). The Caretta Caretta turtles come to this beach to dig their eggs in the sand. Overnight in Ekincik Bay.

Day 3 : Ağalimanı – Batık Hamam – Kızılada

Early in the morning the captain will sail the yacht through Disibilmez and you will reach the world famous Gulf of Fethiye. In this golf you can visit the best bays in the world. Breakfast on Tersane Island. Then drive towards Batık hamam. Overnight stay in Kızilada.

Day 4 : Fethiye

Early in the morning we will drive to the port of Fethiye to take care of logistics for the boat (fill up water tanks, buy food). After the yacht is cleaned, we will organize an optional Jeep Safari Tour. On this excursion you can visit the hidden gorge of Tlos and Öludeniz (lunch is included during the tour). Dinner is served on board. Overnight in Fethiye harbor.

Day 5 : Göcek Insel –Yassıca Insel

After breakfast we leave Fethiye port and sail towards Göcek island (not port). You will sail past large islands and visit Yassıca Island after a swimming break. Overnight stay on site with a wonderful view.

Day 6 : Bedri Rahmi Bucht – Sarsala – Ağalimanı

After breakfast we will visit the Bedri Rahmi book. Part of this ancient site is covered with water and the hill behind the bay is covered with pine trees. We then sail to Sarsala and in the evening to Agalimani. Overnight stay in Ağalimani.

Day 7 : Kadırga – Paradies Insel – Marmaris

After breakfast or early in the morning depending on the weather conditions, we will sail towards Kadırga Bay, take swimming breaks in bays and sail past Turunç Bay. Afterwards we will drive to the paradise island and we will arrive in Marmaris around 5:00 p.m. Overnight in the port of Marmaris.

Day 8: Return

After breakfast it is time to leave the yacht with beautiful memories.
   Depending on the weather and sea conditions, changes to the route may be made.
   Length: 37m, width 6.50m, draft 4m
   Capacity: 6-8 cabins
   Crew: 3, captain, supervisor
   Flag: Türkiye
   Home port: Marmaris

Services included

Transfers from the hotel to the port and back. Port visits as described
     7 nights in the cabin of a gulet. Support during the Blue Voyage
     Full board catering on board. Sightseeing as described
     Blue tour route as described, entrance fees to the ancient site
     Swimming breaks during the day National park passes and entrance fees



Bodrum - Gökova - Bodrum


Kemer - Finike - Kemer


Marmaris - Hisaönü Bay - Datça - Symi - Rhodos - Marmaris